Views of my world

By rosamund


I was a bit miserable last night, dwelling on things that I shouldn't dwell on but I got it out my system so I felt brighter this morning and my moment of peace and solitude by the river certainly helped. I think I might be getting a cold though as I felt pretty dehydrated today, I've been taking plenty fluids though so hope it doesn't amount to much. It was Freya's parents night today, hopefully she's on track for her highers and I was so proud of all her hard work and 'determination' to achieve the highest standard of work possible'. Unfortunately one of her art teachers was very dismissive and judgemental of her work, letting personal preference cloud professional judgement whilst expecting Freya to be a mind reader. I clarified the criteria and expectations and gave Freya free reign on my craft supplies to ensure she has everything she needs for art tomorrow. It was quite sad to see the negative impact a teacher can have on a young person's confidence, you would think she would be pleased that someone was so interested in her subject instead of trying to drill that passion out of her. With her sewing box bulging I hope Freya will have a better day in art tomorrow, I certainly left no doubt in the teacher's mind as to my expectations.

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