fairy creations

By beamfrost

Shorthand books...

Well I have a degree in Publishing with Journalism at 2:1 which would make you think I might be employable but apparently even a reporters job is not suitable for me because I do not have shorthand. So here goes I will prove that paper wrong and I will get a job that I will enjoy just as much and I will learn shorthand and see what benefits is has over the more modern Dictaphone.

I am a hard working individual and I am not shy of working more than 60 hours a week. I normally aim for at least 55 hours. I have excellent verbal and written skills. I can use all Office Programs to an advanced stage. I can use email programmes and I can work with the public. I enjoy a challenge. I am a quick learner but still no-one wants a look in at me. Well it really is their loss and not mine.

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