Baby it's cold outside

Brrr it was cold this morning! I had to de-ice the car before we could set off for the nursery run. I think winter is here. No wonder little man was so happy being warm and snuggled in our bed this morning.

Festival of fusion at work today. Lots of people dressed up in traditional Asian clothes and lots of yummy food being passed around. I also had a little go at some sit down yoga at lunchtime. Think I would feel a bit silly doing it at my desk though.

Nice surprise when I got home was my labour notes from my labour with P. It was a great read and really brought back a lot of memories. It feels good to be able to understand the full story of her birth for the first time. I had no idea what was happening during it and only patchy memories afterwards. Now I have a minute by minute account of the full 48 hours I was in the hospital and none of it was as bad as I remember!

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