Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Saturated colours after sunrise

Yesterday's shot hit the Spotlight - very exciting, so thank you.

Today was another great day on the Photo Workshop to Snowdonia. I've had great difficulty choosing an image to show you.

We left at 0530 for a drive to our site for dawn, returning for breakfast at 0930. Then we packed up ready to leave in the evening. Then we set out for the second drive of the day, this time to the coast.

I drove home, arriving at 1115 so that explains why this is a back blip and why I can't really think of much to say!!

These underwater reeds looked amazing as the sun came up and the colours in the hillside appeared. Yes, they did look supersaturated like you see. I've also taken some long lens shots for abstract detail. No wonder we were late for our excellent breakfast!

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