1000 blips!

Compared to some of you this is a "blip" in the ocean.

But didn't think, when I started blip, that I'd still be doing it at this stage. I hoped I would, but didn't think I'd be able to come up with a photo I was happy with every day.

There are some photos I'm not happy with, but on the most part I'm reasonably happy.

So much inspiration from other Blippers and you really do feel like part of something special.

The main reason I originally joined blip was that I love taking photos, then when purchasing my slr I prayed that it wouldn't gather dust (after spending all that money!) and I can honestly say that I've had my money's worth out of that camera.

Instead if gathering dust I've used it that much that the little icons on the controls have rubbed off!..... I'd say that's a pretty well used camera!

Thankyou all for popping in and comments over the last 1000!

And Thankyou to all at blip central!

Great place to be part of!

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