
By Angelique


This is Phoebe - no walk today and fed up. She has been playing with her shopping bag, and now Mr A has gone up to the computer, she is missing his attention. Every now and then she lets out a big sigh.

The weather has been atrocious. Windy wet and extremely cold and I was not going out in it this afternoon. Instead did some more glass grinding on Adrian's Christmas present.

I hate weather like this and really struggle. Maybe I have that S.A.D. syndrome which my youngest son David has had diagnosed. I go round putting all the lights on as I cant stand the dreariness of it all. Just bring me sunshine and warmth.

Hoping tomorrow will be better as I have to take 'the beast' over to Honiton for its M.O.T and not wanting anything to be at fault.

We have a viewing on Saturday but I'm not going to get excited as the couple have not sold their own house. In fact its not even on the market. But hey ho, they can come and be nosy and join in the proceedings.

Wishing you all joy - now getting very tired and know it's time for me to be in bed. Sleep tight fellow blippers. xxx

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