..... have spent all day on photos today!!! So what is new some would say?

Forgot all about Derelict Thursday with Tim yesterday, and it is all Rainie's fault!! lol

A week or so back a family friend's daughter said I should enter this competition!! Well, I thank her so much for her confidence in my pics, and promptly moved on with life.
Then read Rainie's comment re competitions earlier in the week and thought ... "why not"!

As it closed today I left my run a bit late but anyway spent all day sorting and whatever, and for better of worse have now entered, time will tell.

Needed to get down town late and on the way back caught these two guys having a speed race up and down the river weaving and ducking all over the place.

If you look closely to this guy I have Blipped you can see he has just had a knee op and still has the brace on. But, the real surprise came when I looked on the computer (as it does many times) after I noticed this guy up river slow a bit and what was the reason for only one hand on the "peddle" -have a look in large at this link and see.... he is on the damn mobile!!??

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE.

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