Stubby Holder

I have had this stubby holder for ages and never used it. I thought it was too nice to fill with a damp bottle of beer but this afternoon I decided it was time to break it in.

Don't tell anyone but the beer is from New Zealand...

It has been drizzling here all day. Not cold drizzle. Humid tropical style drizzle. The kind that makes my glasses steam up when I go outside. Jo and I went clothes shopping this morning and I ended up spending a small fortune on Jeans and shoes. It is time I tarted myself up a bit a for work now that I have a lot more responsibility.

Other than that, today was filled with the usual stuff. I had to mow the lawn even though it was soaked. It grows so fast at this time of year. I did it without the catcher on so the garden is filled with lawn clippings which I have no doubt will work their way into the house on the bottom of my shoes.

We visited Dad as well. He was quite chatty, muttering to himself. What he said made very little sense but at least he was verbalising.

Oh, and this morning I also pre-ordered my Michael Schumacher team Mercedes t-shirt. It will be here in about 3 weeks.

999 today. 1000 tomorrow.

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