
By LadyPride

Babe in arms

Angus took this last night. Squidge was scared of "monsters" (seriously where does she get this from?) and would only fall back to sleep in bed with me.
It was a lovely wait while she drifted off. She's not the cuddliest little girl normally so I take what I can get!?!

Seriously, is there a better feeling in the world? I think not.

Nursery for Squidge today and working from home for Angus and I. It's been a really busy work week and I have more to do this weekend. I don't mind though, am loving it at the moment.

Angus has gone into work tonight for dinner and "staff observation". I'm secretly pleased. Since he's been home and in every night, my guilty pleasure TV has built up on the Sky Box. Can't wait to get stuck in. Chocolate at the ready!!!

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