Broken or not broken that's the question

Have spent a lovely afternoon at the minor injuries unit at ilkeston hospital, have even looked at the bones in my foot via xray.

So anyway they thought it does sound like a stress fracture but xray clear (however I am confused because Dr Google says stress fractures don't alway show up on an xray) anyway so back to the theory I have tendinitis and have to try and walk as normally as possible (are you kidding after a few steps I want my mummy).

If it still hurts in a week then I am to go see doctor and they maybe able to prescribe me something stronger for the pain (I'm already on tramadol and co codamol I don't think they will prescribe oramorph for tendinitis).

I am self medicating with tassimo Costa caramel lattes and a box of roses chocolates.

So erm I may or may not have a broken foot.

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