
By TBay


What a day! Made a last moment decision to go and see the poppies. So glad we did. They were sooooo amazing! Really concentrates the mind when you see the lives lost represented by the oh so beautiful poppies. Mr Tbay had two great uncles who died in Flanders and third that survived. My mother lost one uncle in the trenches, but sadly from the influenza epidemic which ravaged the soldiers.

Lunch was a Perkins Revellers, and we had a table right by the poppies. Then it was of to the Tower Bridge Exhibition, which was really interesting. Then home, which thanks to train delays, massively overcrowded train, an un scheduled train change, plus a breakdown really finished the day off!!! Home now. Phew!!

Farming - Two on compost hauling. Rusty then cleaned out the stable yard and hay store.

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