
By Nettenet

Victorian London

This evening myself and 3 friends from work did a 'Jack the Ripper' tour. Meeting our tour guide at Aldgate station at 7pm with possibly 20-30 other people and a few adders on along the way. Our tour guide chatted nineteen to the dozen but was incredibly informative and interesting. 'Jack' was known to have murdered 5 ladies and we were shown the sights of 3 of them. One now being a car park!! Visiting little lanes and alleyways, one being used as part of 'Diagon Alley' in the Harry Potter films and Olivanders wand shop. Our tour was to last 90 minutes but it must have been nearly two hours when we finished.

Not too far from Brick Lane we decided to go and visit one of the famous curry houses. A little like being abroad, they stand outside their restaurants trying to 'encourage' you to visit theirs. We had a lovely evening and I got back home around midnight, absolutely shattered!

It's the weekend..... Enjoy! ;-)

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