
By LadyFindhorn

A Norse Invasion

What a difference a day makes. It was positively balmy today as I hit the shops to try and find some birthday presents for my soon- to- be 4 year old grandchildren.
The task turned out to be a lot easier than I had thought and there was time to visit Portobello and join the throng of people taking the air.

On the bus, there was an invasion of Norsemen speaking in foreign tongues and wearing challenging horned helmets. It seemed that they were on a rugby tour and were on their way to play against a local side. I hope they took off the headgear before getting into a scrum, or body parts might have been skewered.

On Porty prom it looked like everyone was enjoying the change in temperature, and I swear even the dogs had smiles on their faces. I took a few photos and then sat like the little old lady I don't want to be on a bench and admired the scene while taking in big lung fulls of ozone mixed with the heady aroma of coffee from the nearby cafe.

Tonight we have a birthday ceilidh.
His Lordship is yet to make up his mind as to whether or not to grace us with his presence for at least some of the time.
He is a man who does not do 'social' and is happier to opt out; but it can appear rude to those who don't understand.
Watch this space!

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