
By backwoodsman

"Sun going down.....

.....on me ".
My car has decided to be temperamental......something to do with a diesel particulate filter (expensive!) that means that the engine goes slow when it feels like it!
Apparently the solution is to get on the motorway ,foot to the floor and give it welly for 10 minutes!!!
Not needing a second telling I departed Glasgow with a glint in my eye ; usually seen in 17 year olds , not old farts.
But just before the motorway I noticed this rather lively evening sun ; so did a body swerve onto a hill on one of the East End suburbs!

Jumped out of the car and took some photos.

And just at that moment several of the aforementioned 17 year olds (2 of whom I swear had bones through their noses!! ) nearby hengin aboot decided " Hey, Pal ; yous hev got tae pey us tae tak photies here"!!

Emboldened by the presence of a stout fence between them and I ,I politely asked if the Sun ,did indeed belong to them !
And for a brief moment considered asking them if the mop that sat atop their otherwise shaven head was the latest in sartorial elegance?
But thought better of it when brows became beetled and in a body they moved towards the fence "Oh ,aye ; Smart bastard , eh"?

Since I distinctly thought one or two of them would quite easily lift their knuckles from the ground and swing over the fence in jig time , decided the moment for jolly banter was not really now !
So making my excuses.....sunset notwithstanding.....I made my exit and buggered off sharpish!! :-D

And by the grace of God ,the car also decided this was not the moment to be petulant and roared into life !! :-D

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