JVM my life

By JulieVMac


This man likes to set fire to the butane in the gas cans in the blip to fill up tiny capillaries with carbon but don't worry he knows what he is doing he is a PhD student after all!!!

Crazy, crazy day after working late decided to ride to kenilworth along the spooky greenway - the path really wasn't well lit and the lights on my bike fail the trade description act so at one point I nearly cycled off the path into a muddy field. Things got worse when I thought I saw a giant man crouching down by the side of the path, as I got closer I realised it was a cow which freaked me out. At the end of the path I encountered about ten of them standing silently in the dark blocking my way - this meant trudging around them across the field. I am never cycling this path in the dark again!! I arrived in need of fish and chips

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