
By AlfeeTee

Lucky charity shop.

Bloody Hell! The spotlight two days on the trot. Thank you SO much folks.

Today was another clearout day. The subject of todays purge was the boxes of cds that never get played but take up loads of room. I've procrastinated for a long time.
"It's a great album and I'll want to play it one day."
But I never do. And now with the advent of spotify it pains me to say that the objects are no longer necessary. There are advantages to having them on display on shelves so forgotten gems can be rediscovered and played, but when they're in a crate in the cellar that will never happen.
So I photographed a few choice albums to remind me to put them on a playlist.
My vinyl is different. Cds are ugly and don't smell nice so good riddance to them.

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