Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Devils Bridge

Called in on my good friend J's mum today, before the drive back down to Yorkshire. It was lovely to see her and K her sister and of course Little Miss E got spoilt with biscuits and cake.

I did several detours on the drive back down, mainly because I got bored of the M74 and the M6! So today's Blip was taken at one of them, Devils Bridge on the edge of the Dales. You always get a good cuppa a mug, a proper mug. Little Miss E and I also went exploring down to the river to through stones and so I could take a few snaps.
you would also think after the toilet fiasco yesterday that I would have avoided the self closing spaceship loos, but no, I am glutton for punishment and desperate! At least this one had the satisfying sound of closure and a message saying " door locked". All good.

With the two of us walked, fed and watered, I set back off again on a magical mystery tour over the dales in the fading light.. I got to the in-laws in the end, in the dark, and very tired..

A very welcome cup of tea was waiting for me. And of course cuddles from Munchkin 1.


this was one of the two journal entries that was stuck in my upload queue.. Sadly Ihad to delete and start again. So my memory of the day is a bit faded now.

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