Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Take a hike...

Today I went on the nature-photography-hike organized by the WWF. After the snow we had yesterday I was a bit worried when I woke up, but we had a sunny day although it was a bit cold. According to our guide and photographer Meindert van Dijk this should not be called a workshop. He invented and registered the name 'natuurfotowandeling' which translates to nature photography hike but then in one Dutch word. We were in the Lauwersmeer National Park (sorry; only in Dutch).

The unique thing about this hike is that it is both about learning about nature and learning about photography. I had a good time and learned a lot about the area we were in and also a thing or two to improve my photography skills. A detailed map of our hike can be found here. Thanks Meindert; it was a blast!

It wasn't until the end of the trip that I found out that there was someone from the same village as where I live. How odd is that... Things became even weirder when shortly after that it turned out one of the other participants is actually a colleague. I had never seen him before...

Todays blip is from our hike. A larger version can be found here. There are some more that I think worked out well; these can be found here on Picasaweb too.

Enjoy your weekend everone!

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