
We drove to Northamptonshire this morning to stay with our good friends Lorraine and Richard to celebrate Richard's 50th birthday.

It was a three hour drive, and Milou and Bobbie came with us, so we were worried how they would travel, as we wanted to try it without their travel tablets. I sat in the back of the car with them as they seem happier if they're with me, but it wasn't long before Milou was sick. Fortunately it wasn't very much and although he wasn't happy, he travelled the rest of the way ok. Bobbie was fine until the last two miles when he was sick, but considering how they were when we first got them, they did very well. Fingers crossed they travel home ok - I've got their tablets with me, but I don't want to keep giving them medication every time we go on a journey.

Anyway we arrived in time for lunch and had a nice afternoon catching up before their other friends arrived. We had drinks and nibbles at their house and then we went to their local Indian Restaurant for a meal.

It was a great night, and it was lovely to see Rachel and Ian again. We all lived in Belgium which was how we met, Lorraine & Richard moved back 3 years ago, Rachel & Ian two years ago and us last year, and it's the first time we've all been together since, so today's blip is of the 6 of us. Rachel and Ian are on the left, Lorraine and Richard in the middle and us on the right.

It was the first time the boys have met so many people, and they were really well behaved.

I've just noticed that this is my 990th blip!

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