
By HowWonderful

Today I Turned Four Months Old

Four Months! What a big boy!
This last month has been a big developmental month for me. I've done lots of growing and changing.
I am much more aware of my surroundings now and I hate to be missing out on anything, which means that I would rather be awake and learning about my world than having a much needed nap!
Just this last week I have started eating a bit of baby rice which is very yummy...I can't get enough of the stuff! Eating and drinking are definitely my strong points.
I am pretty good at sitting and standing up whilst holding on to Mummy or Daddy's fingers. And I love tummy time and rolling over. I've learnt how to blow bubbles and raspberries this month which keeps me entertained for hours. I love making lots I noise. I am very talkative and have gone from making the odd 'agoo' noise to 'talking' in sentences. I often like to entertain people with my chatter when we are out and about.
My favourite thing is singing! I can often be found singing to myself in my cot when I should be asleep, and I love nothing more than listening to my grown ups singing to me, especially when I am feeing grouchy.
Bath time is still my favourite part of the day and I've been going to swimming lessons which I really love. I've finished my first swimming course where I learnt to float, kick and to close my eyes when I get water on my face. It won't be long until I'm on my first surfboard!

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