
Took juno for her morning walk, it was warm, the first time I have felt warmth in the air this year. Met a couple of dogs and ended up walking for a bit with the owner of a dog that would play with Juno.

Set up the pitch and handed over the footballs to the school team and then home to tidy up. The won their game. Eco daughter was not playing so decided to have a day off.

Tidied up the garden and garage then headed to the allotment. Dug out some redcurrants and replanted on common ground to try and stop the people dumping rubbish, transplanted a damson and sloe to the common ground also.

The garlic is looking good and the rhubarb is starting to come through. Need to get down again to dig over the 2 plots that I did not manage to tend before winter.

Back home and my pal was up, so we took Juno out for a walk, the sunset was beautiful. On top of Blackford Hill was a young courting couple, they were sitting on the bench looking into each others eyes as the sunset, they asked me to take a photo of them on their disposible camera, which I did.

Cut a couple of branches off the really good apple tree as the rootstock came today, will try grafting tomorrow.

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