
By hannahstar


Today was a really nice day.

In the morning we went to Dunelm Mill to buy a few things and we also went to the coffee shop there. I had some yummy raspberry lemonade and mini gluten free lemon shortbread biscuits.

We came home and had lunch. In the afternoon I spent ages looking on Pinterest for inspiration because I have to make a garage role play area at my nursery. I found some good ideas and pictures which I printed. I quite enjoyed doing it!

In the evening we went to a firework display with Granny and Aunty Ray, near their house. It was an interesting display! It began rather slowly with some not very good fireworks and you could hear people grumbling and complaining! Then there were some better ones but there kept being really long gaps between the fireworks and some of them came down really low and even seemed to go into the crowd! Fortunately, we were stood up on a hill quite a long way away from them, but it looked like it must have been quite scary to be in the crowd really near the front!
Then we kept thinking the display had finished because there were such long pauses between the fireworks, and quite a few times, just as we were deciding to go, more fireworks went off! It was quite funny really.

After the display we went back to their house and had some yummy homemade soup that my mum had made and watched some of the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall.

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