Jewels in abundance

Another bright day and an early start heading for the loch to follow the sunshine. The sun was low giving some interesting views and reflections the light changing with every step.

Along the way on the opposite side to the loch is the river and another opportunity to play with the SS on the rushing water. Isn't is amazing how the water sparks in the shot when on the lowest setting, intriguing and highly amusing. Little things....

Also it was fun to take shots of the spotlight of sun on the water, the result interesting with a few reeds in front of the light.

The tide was in and apart from a few geese I didn't see a bird out there, the sun continued to shine and later on when on the way out to buy milk (we have the most wonderful village shop that opens for two hours on a Sunday) I spotted the raindrops on the leaf of Hypericum androsaemum (commonly known as Tutsan) my most blipped plant.

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