Alimos War Memorial Athen's Greese!!
Today has been a really special day, we went to a lovely service at the war memorial, very poignant as an English lady( who lives here says ) it seems so much more fitting as this is where these men and women fell! It was represented by many country's who lay wreaths given to the dignitaries by the Brownies( what a nice touch ) . When the service was over we were all invited to a champagne reception, given to the side of the graves, wow it was so well organised and the canapés came thick and fast and were absolutely superb, the Greeks certainly know how to entertain.
The bugler stood at the top of the cemetery and played the last post so so moving, and young and old were included in taking part in the service, it was just a wonderful experience.
The Rev finished his marathon , he said it was one of the hardest he had done, so well done S- I -Law. When he returned with O and M I went down to the beach for coffee etc , KJD was already down there and had been swimming in the sea, it was so hot again today 22%C .
We finished off the day with a meal in a bar on the beach( who would believe that in November) !! Then to bed the Rev was so tired, just can't think why????
many many thanks to everyone who has made the day so special, I'm really blessed with such a lovely family. xxxxxxx
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