at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

the best bit about baking

Since Ivy now seems to only take one nap a day now and she had a long morning nap- I realised today was going to be LONG so planned baking as an afternoon activity.

Ivy had a great time and was very helpful- altough I did catch her eating the butter before we'd even started (she unwrapped it herself). We made bannana and chocolate chip muffins. Ivy helped spoon ingredients I'd measured out into the bowl, with the mixing (out of the kenwood, since she's too small to see into the bowl yet) and she added all the chocoalte chips. I thought she'd eat the chocolate chips instead of adding them- but she didn't reconise what they were and they all ended up in the bowl. I can't say as much for the all the mashed bannana though.

She even helped with the washing up afterwards.

When Euan came home from school she shouted 'main' at him, pressumably to tell him about her day. She enjoyed eating the muffins almost as much as she enjoyed making them.

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