Tumbledown Chimney

This is all that remains of a signal box of on the old railway line, with each passing year it decays a little more, sadly this seems to be the way of things. I love the textures of the old brick, the shapes and the dichotomy of the man made chimney and the surrounding countryside. The chimney somehow seems to fit into this landscape, it seems to belong...

On this remembrance Sunday not the oft quoted lines so familiar but instead a line that I remember from childhood, I remember it being compared to the lost generations of the great wars and it seems apt;

"Pleasures are like poppies, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed, Or like the snowfalls in the river, a moment white then it melts away"

Many of you will recognize these words as Robert Burns, as we remember those who fell we must also remember those scared by the horrors of war and suffered and lived with what we now know to be PTSD.

I hope you enjoy the shot and the quote this evening

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