
As today is 'Remembrance Sunday ' I thought that this was an appropriate blip.

I will write more from my PC tomorrow.

Additional bits (Monday morning)

Now I look on my PC I could have chosen a shot a little more in focus – not noticeable on the telephone. It’s there now.

Last night I had typed up a paragraph or two and lost connection and the lot that I had written. When I re-uploaded it was with the least I could type then. I’ll try again:

In the year of the Jubilee a group of ladies in the village got together to make miles of bunting which they achieved. We all donated old material and a pair of my underpants intact are supposedly in it somewhere. They christened themselves the “Bunting Babes”.

After the Jubilee they stayed together producing things, and this year they set out to knit hundreds of poppies. These were then sold, the proceeds going to the British Legion. This is one of them – my purchase. They also made a wreath and some garlands.

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