More rain...

I got my dates totally messed up yesterday so the following events all happened on Saturday 8th November and the entry for 8th November are the events of 7th. I really should stop uploading when I'm tired, this is the second time this has happened :/

Anyway, been a busy productive day of practice and baking and catching up with Ben and his trip.

Martin came home in the evening and all the gear was super soggy. It rained pretty much all night again only a little heavier, he said.

Today was the big Picnic in the Park event which I did not attend as the cakes I was decorating did not get done in time and also it was pretty wet.

Cooked one of Martin's fav meals for his return and thought I'd invite Roberto and Elizabeth too for a nice home cooked meal after two days out in the wilderness!

This pic summed up today's weather pretty much. It's our bus terminus in the Plaza and our bus No 2 is parked at its usual spot :)

Today, in the late evening, I got news of a very dear friend/aunt's passing in England. Aunty Beryl was my a friend's mum that we'd gotten to know and had met on trips to the UK and when we (Martin, Jon and I) moved to London, we lived very close to her and her husband. She adopted me as her daughter and helped me a lot with the boys when it was just Jon and also after the birth of Ben. She looked out for me like a real mum and loved my children and Martin and our families when they visited. I have wonderful memories of her and shall miss her dearly. I so regret not being in touch with her recently as I just found out she's been suffering from cancer. RIP Aunty Beryl.

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