
Forgot to mention yesterday about my saturday night race. So here's a photo of my dossard which I might just keep. It was a super race along the lake and back with the full moon shining on the lake. Managed to get under 40 minutes for 10k which I was quite pleased about. Although my Garmin suggests it was more like 9.6.

And quite amazingly I was 1st in my age category (Veterans 2) which was a first for me. Ok, there were only 17 others in the category, but you can only beat those who turn out!

Other news, Dylan had another tough night so has spent most of the day at the vet. He seems to have picked up another infection, but antibiotics seem to be helping. Here's hoping for a quiet night.
We are starting to understand the benefits of sleep deprivation as a torture technique. :-)

The National

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