
By AnthonyBailey


...King's Cross

'Housmans is London's premier radical bookshop - it's one of the last remaining such shops, as well as having been one of the first (originally opening in 1945).

It sells a wide range of radical literature - books, pamphlets and magazines - dealing with the full spectrum of campaigning issues, as well as stocking stationery and cards. Its variety of political magazines, newsletters and journals - with over 200 titles - is unmatched anywhere in the country. It also has t-shirts, badges and other campaigning paraphernalia, and hosts regular in-shop events. The shop also plays an active role within its local community.

Housmans Bookshop continues to see its role as it has since its foundation. Whilst acknowledging its roots in the peace movement - and, specifically, in the radical pacifist end of the movement - it aims to be a broad-based, non-sectarian shop, encouraging the dissemination of a wide range of progressive and alternative ideas. As the shop's founders recognised, opposing injustice and oppression and the degradation of our planet are prerequisites of a more peaceful society.'
Housmans' website

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