Fading Beauty
Fading but still beautiful. Trainees are on the countdown now till the end of the course and a few are saying how they'll miss it when it's over! I hope the next group of trainees are as easy to work with as these ones. Last lessons start tomorrow, 60' ones and three trainees finish their teaching practice tomorrow. I'm back with the group of trainees I started with in week 1 and it's great to see how they've developed and are starting to experiment within the recognised frameworks. This afternoon, one did a jigsaw reading task, tomorrow we have a task based lesson approach and I think someone's going to do a live listening on Thursday. It's sometimes a bit scary giving them so much freedom in week 4, but it's paid off on this course.....it doesn't always! As an observer it's nice to sit up the back, not knowing quite what's going to happen next!
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