'Spare a Million Mate?'

Is what this chap said to me one day as I walked down Mill Rd, I said I was really sorry but I was still trying to get to my first Million. Anyway today we got into a bit of a conversation which went along the lines of.

'Afternoon, nice hat'
'Thanks, it was the best I could do today'
'Can I take a picture of it please? With you in it of course'
'Maybe, but it'll cost you a drink'

Of course at this point I could have been faced with a moral dilemma, but I don't like to over think things so I gave him a couple of quid and took his picture.

We then talked about hats. He went off to buy a drink, I went off to buy a drink, he bought Ribena.

I gave him a quid once to make up a poem, it was really good (he offered, as whilst I'm happy to ask a stranger for a picture I draw the line at asking them for bespoke poetry).

This would normally be mono, but I liked the hat!

Band practise tonight, hopefully a full windmill.


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