South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

The boy who died young

The little chap on the left is my Mum's older brother, Freddie (she is on the right). He was about four at the time of this photo, taken in 1927. He only lived to the age of 21, as he was killed in the skies over Italy in 1944. I have an album here with lots of photos of Mum in it which I compiled for family and friends to look at after her death in 2010 at the age of 84, and I remembered this one and thought it would be appropriate for today...My Nan had a photo of him by her bed until the day she died.

Another trip to the dentist this afternoon to get him to file down the fillings that he did last week as they were too high - feels much better now! I've also been printing off maps and details ready for Derbyshire. And ordering some last minute trousers and a tie for Paul - I have to go and collect them from Asda on Thursday! (also a pair of trousers and a thermal top for me - us Southern softies have to be prepared when we venture up further north at this time of year! ;-))

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