Go Jags!

Down to London to see the Jacksonville Jaguars vs the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL at Wembley. It was part of Tom's birthday present, him being a fan of all things American and sporty and it being, just possibly, the best chance he was going to get, as a Forest fan, to see a game of some variety at Wembley whilst still a young man! We were going to support the Cowboys - mainly because they are from Dallas and they are cowboys - but we switched our allegiance at the last minute, despite not knowing where Jacksonville is, because the Jaguars were, nominally, the 'home' team - plus they gave us flags and they had better bobble hats at the merch stand. Unfortunately the Jags were pretty soundly outclassed, despite a spirited fightback towards the end. Still, it was exciting stuff, all the glitz and hoo-ha was a lot of fun and I even actually understood most of what was going on...!

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