Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My latest poser ....

We are going to have to watch out for this one,it's DDLCs niece Eleanor but let's call her Ovaltiney after the little 1940s looking pixie good wearing Ovaltine drinking children ... Anyway this baby can do a maniac type laugh on command .. It's fabulous and she's only 11 months old ! Imagine the fun we can have as she gets older.

Zoe and I spent 5 years in the eye clinic today (4 hours) I have to give Coventry hospital TOP marks for friendliness and cleanliness and running it as fast as they can with the amount of staff for each department ... The upshot is she has not had to have it drained this time but more high dose antibiotics and some topical cream .. Back next Friday with it hopefully almost gone x

We also managed to get trapped in a revolving door twice and locked in a car park ... Yayyyyy ...

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