
By RobinBanneville

Never Work With Children, Animals, or Waves

I didn't get much time to stop and capture the sea this morning as it crashed and exploded over the sea wall at Castle Cornet ... but because the splashes were coming thick and fast, I decided to pull the works van over to the side of the road and quickly capture the spectacular event ...
The problem was, I'd forgotten that waves were camera shy ... I must have held my camera up, pointing it at where I'd seen the most ferocious waves breach the sea wall, for the best part of five minutes before capturing this mediocre attempt ...
I got wet of course ... Oh yes, the thick spray from the sea was enough to soak me to the skin in no time ... but as for seeing a decent wave smash over the wall ... Not a chance ...
In the end I put the camera back in it's case and returned to my van (only to see a massive wave cascade over the wall as I drove off) ... :o|
So here's my blip for today ... Just a hint (a very small suggestion) of how wild the sea was this morning ... :o)

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