horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

St Paul's by Night

London, a necessary evil. Sort of.

Mel has always wanted to see the Royal Ballet in the Royal Opera House in London, so for Christmas I got the tickets for Romeo and Juliet. And so it was that we were in London.

Londoners really should try politeness and friendliness sometime - it might be a novelty that they enjoy... Not a bad journey down on the train, but there's something about arriving in the Big Smoke and suddenly realising that the usual rules don't apply. Getting off the Tube near our hotel I can only assume the guy I said 'excuse me' to twice before I had to give in and barge past, simply didn't understand the phrase.

After arriving, and checking in to our rather nice hotel, we headed to the British Museum, which produced a lot of potential blips, until St Paul's by night appeared.

Museum Cat
Broken Birdy
Lewis Chess

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