
By Dotty

Pre-practice match

We had such a rush after school today - a mad dash to get the boys to the dentist in the centre of Kelso for their check-up and then a madder dash for me, having chucked them unceremoniously in the waiting room, to the GP's surgery a 15 minute walk away - 5 minutes later.

And there I was told quite firmly that there are to be no more mad dashes. Or running, or pulling trailers on my bicycle, etc, etc. I've torn my lovely hernia repair - which is a bit of a blow. And a painful one at that.

So I wasn't madly inclined this morning to do hopping on and off the bike to take photos. I'm alright once I'm on, but the getting on and off hurts,so I'm keeping that to a minimum. Luckily Teddy came to the Blip rescue; glued to Fifa 14 before he went out for football practice proper.

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