Proud Weegie

By Shiv

St Mary's Cathedral

This is the other St Mary's Cathedral - Palmerston Place. A stunning building, and it hosts the late Sir Eduardo Paolozzi windows on the theme of the Ascension.

The windows are very contemporary, not at all what you would find in a cathedral. He is also responsible for the Iron giant at the Modern Art Gallery (where his studio has been painstakingly reconstructed), and the imposing sculpture of a large foot outside the 'other' St Mary's Cathedral at the top of Leith Walk.

I know nothing about art. But I know what I like. I didn't know he did stained glass windows -but I'm impressed (I tried to blip it but it didn't make the blip cut!).

I needed to gain a little blip/work balance - having neglected my camera of late. Went for a blip walk at lunchtime and stumbled into this haven of peace and tranquility.

I love that about say you are going out to take a foto, then you discover a little gem to brighten up your day.

Glad to be be back blipping- my handbag has felt too empty without my big 6D in it!

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