As seen by me...

By GrantR

Camera woes...

What a bugger of a night.

I spent ages today washing and cleaning the cars so as the way was free tonight to go out and get the sunset that was obviously going to be a belter. So, quarter to 5 and off I go down to Arthurs Seat, plan was to drive round Queens Drive and park up and walk up the less steep side of the Radical Road. Still shut at back of 5, brilliant start. Off to Calton then.

Parked up at Calton and off we trotted only to be met with a sodding huge crane blocking the view towards the sunset. Still, no time to relocate, just have to make the best of a bad lot. THEN... then... WTF, horrible totally overexposed shots in Aperture Priority mode. Could not figure it out. First 2 shots at f3.5 looked fine but anything over that was nonsense. In a near huff abandoned and really got the hump when back down in Regent Road I looked back and saw that bright orange ball setting. Rattled off this one and rescued it on Camera Raw. I reckon its the lens though, was fine with the macro yesterday and I think its a sticky aperture blade problem on the old 18-70DX so that'll go for service.

Still gutted at not being able to make more of that tonight though!

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