
By foxfollower

Great People To Be Gathered With

In 1652, George Fox travelled towards the north-west of England. He wrote in his journal:
As we went I spied a great high hill called Pendle Hill, and I went on the top of it with much ado, it was so steep; but I was moved of the Lord to go atop of it; and when I came atop of it I saw Lancashire sea; and there atop of the hill I was moved to sound the day of the Lord; and the Lord let me see atop of the hill in what places he had a great people to be gathered.

Today I'm on the other side of the Pennines, in York, meeting with some of the others from my Equipping for Ministry course. And what a great group of people they are to be gathered together with! There is always a feeling of mutual support and encouragement that we take away from these meetings, whatever difficulties we may have been encountering between times.

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