Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

End of autumn

The red colours are slowly leaving and it's becoming more and more grey, but for now the walks still have some leaves on the ground (I love it when they're dry and crunchy). This morning I had a tutorial at 8.50am and then had to go to the department for 10.40 to meet my fieldwork group, discuss a project and then go and meet with one of the tutors. We hd a lecture at 12 so decided to pay the Biochemistry cafe a visit since it is around the corner from the Geography department (and is in the science area, of course). It was a very nice cafe - really impressive! The lecture wasn't too bad, a lot touched on what my essay had been this week and discussed flexible labour etc. which I've now had two essays with that as one of the themes.

After that I spent my afternoon doing nothing. I just got back into bed and watched movies on Netflix and slept. I decided I was allowed a rest since I'd handed in work so I spent my whole afternoon lazing around, then left my room and lazed around in Kitty's room while she worked. It was such a nice break!

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