New Toy

OK, it's a poor photo, but most of this day was taken up with preparing to go away and then driving up to the Derbyshire border to stay with friends, arriving long after sunset.

En route, however, I had stopped at the Little Waitrose in Birmingham to collect the iPad I had ordered from John Lewis online the day before, having settled on the specifications I wanted in their Swindon store the day before that.

By the time I unpacked it I had retired to my room and couldn't delve into the workings of the machine very far as it required a wi-fi connection before allowing access to the home screen, so this is the opening screen only.

However, ten days later I can report that I got online the following morning and have been slowly getting to grips with what it has to offer ever since and enjoying it very much.

13.11.2014 (1552 hr)

Blip #1420
Consecutive Blip #004
Day #1683
LOTD #655 (#775 including archived blips)

Lens: Pentax 17-70 mm

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Dukes of Stratosphear - 25 O'Clock (1985)
This was actually XTC, although it could be what the Stone Roses would have sounded like in 1968. It manages to pastiche the Electric Prunes and the whole Canterbury scene in about four minutes.

One year ago: Fay's Bistro

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