
By Jillybean

Billy Elliot

Today started out rather boring. Well it basically stayed that way. The weather was GORGEOUS though so I spent a lot of time outside.

Then around 4:30 I recieved a text from Maeve asking me if I would like to go see Billy Elliot on Broadway tonight. Maeves brother, Trent, is Billy (the main character) in the show. Tonight was his final show. He's been Billy for five years (some in London and some on Broadway here). So of course I said yes and forty minutes later I was on the way to the city with Maeve and her entire extended family...basically.

The show was absolutely amazing. Trent is beastly. I couldn't believe it. I really can't describe it. Just amazing. They did a really touching little thing about how it was his final performance at the beginning of the show and then again at the finale. This picture was taken when they called Maeves parents up to the stage. My favorite part was when Billy was going off to school and he's saying goodbye to his friend and he goes "Bye Trevor" and the Trevor said "Bye Trent" (instead of saying billy get it?) and Trent walks off the stage. I really almost cried then. Trent is reallyreally talented and I can't even imagine whats in store for him next. But seriously the play was amazing and thank you so much Maeve for taking me. =]

Spring track starts tomorrow...but 20$ says i don't even wake up for school...also just ate a taco...bad call?

"To me, fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift

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