The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander


The Goose and I have been a bit LOST with our blips as of late. Over the weekend, we forgot to bring a camera while we spent the night and 2 days in Guangzhou.

Oh well. We did have a lot of fun though! We celebrated with 6 other friends the engagement of 2 of them. Overall, a fun weekend!

Anyway, back to blipping...

With most of our evenings completely free here, It has given The Goose and I to watch many films and TV shows. We've finished seasons 1-4 of Nip Tuck and now will start watching LOST, which many people all over have gotten addicted to over the years.

After several episodes, we have found ourselves addicted. We own seasons 1-5 here, so let's see how fast we can watch them all before buying the latest seasons.

~The Gander

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