
By Munroist4113

After the Flood

I had invited my friend whose husband died last week for some lunch today. As she arrived she noticed a little burn running down the garden. We don't usually have one. We had loads of rain in the night and today and this caused the drain in the woods behind the garden to get blocked with leaves and debris. I knew this could happen and had already cleared the drain a couple of days ago, but the rain was so heavy that new springs came up in the woods, and they all poured down towards the drain. Together we used my trusty walking poles to pull out the leaves clogging the drain. The pointy end poked through the silt to clear the holes in the drain cover and eventually the water was released to flow under our garden down to the main drain on the road. Unfortunately that has silted up too so we have water flooding over the top and down into the field. It can't do much harm there but Mr C will have a little job to do when he gets back to clear it too. It'll require taking off the grating and using a long pole to pull out small branches or whatever has found its way down there. We thought living high up we'd not be subjected to flooding!

I was too busy clearing the drain in the pouring rain to try to take a picture so this is the aftermath.

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