Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


What a day! I was told yesterday that one of the watchmen at one of our ECD centres was sick. I called him and he said he had been to two doctors and that he was feeling a little better. This morning I get a phone call that he is worse so I headed off with a colleague to take him to a private doctor in town. He was extremely sick and needed to be helped into the car. He has been admitted at the private clinic and is on a drip. This picture is in Hilltop a part of Mzuzu I had to drive through to get to his place - in fact the car didn't make it to his house, as there is no road! I hope and pray that he recovers. I arrived home just before lunch and had to go and get him some lunch (food is not provided in hospitals here).

Health care here is not good - the first two doctors he went to gave him panadol (which is standard for any illness here and is usually the only medicine available!).

Immediately as I returned home I had an important meeting which thankfully was not too serious but quite fun.....just what I needed.

Got home late afternoon forgetting that I was supposed to have prepared some food to take to a fellowship gathering tonight! I was too tired so just sent an excuse. Its an early night for me and back to the hospital in the morning.

Never a dull day in Malawi!

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