B&W Challenge - Day 2: A Light Idea

If I have to do a B&W series for the first time, at least let me do it properly and in my own way. If you can't include colour in your shot, what's the next best thing, which is actually a very basic thing? Right. And what better place than the lamp section at IKEA?

Again, a semi-mad dash to get a couple of folding boxes. Hubby finally attached some wheels to the salon-table-storage-box-2seater I bought the other time, so that at last I can finish organizing what I want to put into it. The original package didn't include any wheels, but I am anticipating the time when lifting will be a pain for both of us, so might as well put it on top of some inline skates. Besides, it'll be easier now to clean the floor under it.

Someone told me yesterday that he's wondering how this shot would compare with the 'original' colour shot. I need to tell you now that the original is actually in B&W. Yes, the cam is set to B&W because, well, the whole thing is supposed to be part of the challenge. So, sorry, no colour originals for my B&W.

Today, I'm inviting .... (drum roll) ... Trevorearthy! Only if he wants to, of course.

Note for myself, since this is a personal blog of sorts ... must thank good friend M and her son IEL for what arrived in the mail today -- an unexpected document. It doesn't have to mean anything, but, then again, it might. Sometimes my crystal ball works when I don't need it, then doesn't when I do. That official document was the very first b&w photograph I took today, and then that phrase 'in black and white' definitely took on a greater meaning for me. It was my first choice for posting, and yet I am somehow glad I really can't post it here.

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