
By briocarioca


Friday Focus is on the convolvulus (?) which I have allowed to invade the bougainvillea and any other plants that have survived around our porch. I brought it from the golf course a while back, well aware that it was probably as bad an idea as importing montbretia from the wild a few years ago (boy, does that stuff spread)!

Poor HH spend a long morning splashing about in the bathroom, ably assisted (not) by the caretaker, trying to mend an old tap. We found the piece in Rio, but fitting it's a whole different problem. Net result, our water supply is limited to a garden hose poked through the kitchen window and HH has gone back to trying to fix his computer. One wonders...

A drizzly day has made staying inside and working a little easier, but my enthusiasm for it is in short supply. Think I'll go and walk the dog.

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