Stay Away.....

…..I’m radioactive, and I have a letter to prove it.

I spent the morning at the cardiologist’s having a “nuclear medicine procedure” (love the term), or what’s technically called a Mycocardial Perfusion Scan. I got pumped full of radiation, run through a large, noisy camera (twice), hooked up to a couple of machines, put on a treadmill and not allowed off until my heart rate reached a number that satisfied a technician, fed a granola bar and lots of water and then sent home after 3 ½ hours of mostly boredom.

I did this once before in 2012 when I complained of some shortness of breath and my cardiologist thought it might be a good idea to do it again to see if anything has changed. I don’t think it has, and I feel fine, but I decided to humor him since I figured he might be having a slow day and needed something to look at.

Besides the granola bar, I got a letter that tells airport security, or a border crossing officer, that I’m relatively harmless, not wired with explosives and should be allowed to get on a plane or into Canada if I want.

I may go to Costco tomorrow but beyond that I have no travel plans.

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